FREE Workshop!

5 Secrets to Crafting a Powerful Character Arc

Live on Saturday, June 29th, 2024

@ 10:00 am-1:00 pm ET

Are you ready to write (or revise) a powerful speculative fiction novel?

(A novel that changes hearts and minds?)

Join me for this (fun!) interactive workshop with live coaching!

Live on Saturday, June 29th, 2024

@ 10:00 am-1:00 pm ET

You want to write a speculative novel with a big message, and I want to help.

I’m a certified book coach, editor, & podcaster, and in this FREE 3.0 hour workshop, which includes live coaching, you'll:

1) Discover the key to writing an emotionally resonate novel.

2) Uncover and cultivate the powerful message inside the novel you want to write.

3) Learn the exact information you need to know about your protagonist to make readers love them.

4) Develop your protagonist's powerful character arc.

5) Learn why character arc is the key to plot... and how it can help you write and edit your novel to perfection.

6) Get personalized coaching from me so you can feel 100% confidant that you're headed in the right direction!

Psst! Check out what people are saying about me...

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